The election is now over. Everything has now moved into the verification and counting process. There should be a result from Foyle sometime this evening.
Whatever happens in the count today, we can be proud of the work we have done and of the way we have helped PBP become one of the main players in the political life of Derry.
In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who has helped out in any way during the campaign:
with canvassing, driving, office work, and postering;
with leafletting, labelling, attending polling stations, and making banners and signs;
with donating, and making tea and coffee and sandwiches and stew;
with performing at and organising the various events and fundraisers;
and with the help in the counting areas.
Thank you.
Whatever happens in the count today, we can be proud of the work we have done and of the way we have helped PBP become one of the main players in the political life of Derry.
In the meantime, we would like to thank everyone who has helped out in any way during the campaign:
with canvassing, driving, office work, and postering;
with leafletting, labelling, attending polling stations, and making banners and signs;
with donating, and making tea and coffee and sandwiches and stew;
with performing at and organising the various events and fundraisers;
and with the help in the counting areas.
Thank you.